0-59 mins | No Charge |
1hr + | 1 Full Day Charge |
As a result of these extra charges any additional charges eg Child Seat, GPS, Excess Reduction option are calculated at 1 full day’s charge.
If the call out is for a problem not inherent to the vehicle eg. Locked keys in the vehicle, changing a flat tyre, flat battery due to accessories left on etc, a $200.00 Roadside Assistance Fee is applicable.
There is no charge should the problem be inherent to the vehicle eg. Mechanical issues.
We offer a Premium Roadside Assistance Cover at $6.50 per day which waives the $200.00 call out fee. Please note: Towing is not covered.
All drivers of the vehicle will need to be present and provide a valid driver’s license and credit/debit card in their own name. All drivers must be 21 < 25 years of age with licence. Drivers with an overseas licence must provide their country license and international license.
If customer holds a credit/debit card there will be a refundable deposit of $200.00 for hobart and $500 for sydney
We take a bond of $500 if you rent from Sydney airport and from Hobart airport $200 deposit.Bond will refund after 7 days from the return date by deducting tolls and admin charges.Depending on the bank it may take up to 5 business days to release the funds.
For local residents who rent from Tasmania or from Sydney we do require three forms of Identification including current drivers licence,Bank card either debit or credit card and a utility bill not more than 3 months old proofing the current residential address.